A BBQ pit is an outdoor cooking structure made of bricks or cement blocks. It can also be created by placing metal grates inside a hole dug into the ground. The materials are usually covered with dirt or sand to seal heat during cooking. Some pits may use charcoal as the heating element. Others may use propane-fueled burners that can be turned on using electronic push-button ignitions, which are often more convenient than lighter and matches.
A BBQ pit is used for cooking low-and-slow with the coals or gas heat. This makes it ideal for cooking large cuts of meat such as brisket, pork shoulder, beef ribs, etc. It can also be used to steam seafood. Depending on your local climate conditions, you may need to use a BBQ pit year-round because some climates are too cold in the winter for this type of cooking. If you can only use it part of the year, consider building a smaller DIY outdoor oven instead.